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Returns & Cancellations

Is the delivery not complete or are some articles damaged? We would like to help, please contact us.

Damaged goods/incomplete deliveries

Should you find that an item is damaged or that your delivery is not complete, please inform us by sending an email, well documented, including photos, to Please do not forget to write any obvious discrepancies or damage on the consignment note upon delivery of your order, and make sure the note is signed by the truck driver. Complaints must be made within three working days of delivery. Megatrading is under no obligation to process complaints received after this time.

Can I cancel an order?

Depending on the reason, you can cancel your order within 2 hours after you placed your order.

Why has my order been canceled?

There are several reasons for this. Please contact customer service.

Other questions?

If you have any other questions or suggestions, please contact us at +32 (0)9 379 73 70 or